A number of end-to-end verifiable voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that their votes have ...
PDF | A number of end-to-end veriflable voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that their votes have.
A number of end-to-end veri¯able voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that their votes have contributed ...
In this paper, we introduce a scheme which handles many of the popular election methods that are currently used around the world. Our scheme not only ensures ...
A number of end-to-end verifiable voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that their votes have contributed in ...
Versatile Prêt à Voter: Handling Multiple Election Methods with a Unified Interface ... Authors: Zhe Xia; Chris Culnane; James Heather; Hugo Jonker; Peter Y. A. ...
Z Xia, C Culnane, J Heather, H Jonker, P Ryan, S Schneider and S Srinivasan. IndoCrypt 2010 (Hyderabad, India, 12/12/2010 - 15/12/2010). 02/02/2012.
Mentioning: 6 - Abstract. A number of end-to-end verifiable voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that ...
In this paper, we introduce a scheme which handles many of the popular election methods that are currently used around the world. Our scheme not only ensures ...
Versatile Prêt à Voter: Handling Multiple Election Methods with a Unified Interface. Xia, Zhe; Culnane, Chris; Heather, James et al. 2010 • In Proc. 11th ...