In general, the Workflow Satisfiability Problem (WSP)1 con- tains a set S of steps, a set U of users and some constraints and authorisations restricting performance of steps by users (the difference between an authorisation and a constraint is that while the former involves just one step, the latter involves at least ...
Sep 17, 2022
To this end, we introduce a framework for associating costs with the violation of workflow policies and constraints and define the valued workflow ...
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Jan 30, 2015 · The existence of policies and constraints may mean that a workflow is unsatisfiable, in the sense that it is impossible to find an authorised ...
ABSTRACT. A workflow is a collection of steps that must be executed in some specific order to achieve an objective. A comput-.
In this paper, we consider the problem of finding the "least bad" assignment of users to workflow steps by assigning a weight to each policy and constraint ...
Original language, English. Title of host publication, Proceedings of the 20th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies.
The Workflow Satisfiability Problem (WSP) is a problem of interest in access control of information security. In its simplest form is the problem coincides ...
A workflow is a collection of steps that must be executed in some specific order to achieve an objective. A computerised workflow management system may ...
In the Workflow Satisfiability Problem (WSP), the aim is to assign authorised users to the steps in a workflow specification, subject to constraints arising ...
In this paper, we show that this problem is NP-hard and we present a constraint programming formulation using the variable weighted constraint satisfaction ...