The proposed Household Proportion method uses household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population. It is compared with other interpolation and the results show that HP method yields significantly better results than other interpolation approaches using ancillary data, with lower errors.
Nov 14, 2019 · This study evaluates the effectiveness of household data as ancillary information from two sources: formal census household counts and informal ...
Nov 3, 2019 · The proposed Household Proportion method uses household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population. It is compared ...
Nov 8, 2019 · This study evaluates the effectiveness of household data as ancillary information from two sources: formal census household counts and informal data.
Using household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population: Comparing formal and informal, online data sources.
Wen Zeng, Alexis J. Comber: Using household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population: Comparing formal and informal, online ...
Five different areal interpolation methods were used: 1. Areal weighted method, 2. Network method, 3. Dasymetric method, 4. HP-census method, 5. HP-sales method ...
Using household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population: Comparing formal and informal, online data sources. Computers ...
Aug 6, 2019 · This paper provides a high-level review of different approaches for spatial interpolation using areal features. It groups these into those ...
Using household counts as ancillary information for areal interpolation of population: Comparing formal and informal, online data sources. Article. Full-text ...