The work was published by Fuqua [7] that conducted a study by using function points in agile projects and tried to correlate with story points in that projects.
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Although any unit of measure can be used, this paper contrasts theoretical concepts about Story Points (SP) and function points (FP) as units for measuring size ...
Function points are a convenient and reliable common denominator of size and are often used as the basis for comparing project productivity (FP/effort), ...
Specifically, it addresses the question of whether function points are a relevant measure of velocity. Although any unit of measure can be used, this paper ...
Function Points, sometimes wrongly called Feature Points are the "traditionally" used to measure the functional size of a project and then to benchmark ...
Jun 28, 2022 · Function points help you manage your total expenses, and with Scrum, you can stay flexible based on new insights. In this respect, the goal of ...
Story points are easily manipulated, instead you should look to at COSMIC Function Points to Improve estimation and productivity assessment.
Jul 8, 2022 · Estimating your effort is critical in working together as a team, enabling your project manager and technical leads to align the work of many ...
Feb 11, 2022 · Function point analysis was developed in the 1970s to determine the productivity of development teams when it was impossible to do this by ...
Jul 11, 2012 · Function Point Analysis can indeed be used to measure agile projects. Consideration must be given to the way in which such projects are defined.