Unicorn provides an architecture using Java to harness the vast processing power on the Internet for distributed computing applications.
Unicorn provides an architecture using Java to harness the vast processing power on the Intem~ for distributed computing applications.
This paper presents an incentivized web-based volunteer computing platform that functions as a market place to buy and sell computing power and introduces ...
Unicorn provides an architecture using Java to harness the vast processing power on the Internet for distributed computing applications.
Abstract: Unicorn provides an architecture using Java to harness the vast processing power on the Internet for distributed computing applications.
Unicorn: Voluntary Computing over Internet, Operating Systems Review, ACM,. April 2002. T.M. Ong, B. S. Lee and C. K. Yeo. A Framework for Distributed Computing.
Computers connected to internet represent an immense computing power, mostly unused by their owners. One way...
Mar 13, 2024 · For 19 months, the sociologist Benjamin Shestakofsky embedded himself in an early-stage tech startup to study its organization and culture.
Unicorn provides an architecture using Java to harness the vast processing power on the Internet for distributed computing applications.
... Unicorn: voluntary computing over internet. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 36(2) ... web-based volunteer computing systems using Java. Future Gener. Comput ...