This points to the importance of time and variety of in-situ activities to help people engage as co-designers in creating novel UbiComp-enabled experiences.
We show how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, technology and user ...
Mar 15, 2024 · We show how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, ...
A key challenge in co-designing UbiComp is that users may have limited understanding or experience of these technologies. While the value of situated co- ...
We show how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, technology and user ...
We show how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, technology and user ...
A key challenge in co-designing UbiComp is that users may have limited understanding or experience of these technologies. While the value of situated ...
Abstract A key challenge in co-designing UbiComp is that users may have limited understanding or experience of these technologies.
It is shown how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, technology and ...
We show how an ensemble of situated co-design activities over time led to the unfolding of user understanding around issues of content, technology and user ...