An ultra-compact 3 × 12 mm 2 DPOH on a 1.5%-Δ silica-based PLC employing a novel coupler is reported. The excess loss is <;2 dB and the CMRR is <;-27 dBe.
An ultra-compact 3×12 mm2 DPOH on a 1.5 %−Δ silica-based PLC employing a novel coupler is reported. The excess loss is <2 dB and the CMRR is <−27 dBe over the C ...
They provide 1) a low propagation loss of less than 0.05 dB/cm, 2) a polarization extinction ratio of above 20 dB, and 3) small phase-difference deviations of ...
Introduction. The next generation photonic network requires a high-speed optical transport system that combines multi-level modulation formats, coherent ...
In this paper, we realized a monolithic silicon photonic integrated circuit (PIC) for polarization and phase diversity coherent detection. The PIC includes two ...
Sep 1, 2013 · A DPOH employing silica-based planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology offers excellent features including a low loss, a high common mode ...
A low-loss (8.4–9.0 dB) and compact (3 × 7 mm2) silica-based dual polarisation optical hybrid has been successfully demonstrated by using a short ...
We propose a highly symmetrical interferometer design for a polarization beam splitter and an optical hybrid to reduce temperature and wavelength dependence.
A low-loss (8.4-9.0 dB) and compact (3 × 7 mm2) silica-based dual polarisation optical hybrid has been successfully demonstrated by using a short polarisation ...
35 Citations · Ultra-compact and low-loss silica-based dual polarization optical hybrid for digital coherent receiver with excellent common-mode rejection ratio.