Our method consists of two phases. First, we extract the burst time series for each user and each hashtag using Kleinberg's burst enumerating algorithm and ...
Finally, we can observe this events as bursts on Twitter. In this paper, we propose a new user tagging method based on burst time series to tag them by ...
TL;DR: A new user tagging method using the posting time series data of the number of tweets to estimate user interest based on the terms in tweets and apply ...
Some users, whose hashtags were appropriately estimated by our methods, experienced higher the maximum value of the number of tweets than other users.
Twitter user tagging method based on burst time series. DOI Web Site Web Site ... user tagging method using the posting time series data of the number of tweets.
Twitter user tagging method based on burst time series. · detection method · high accuracy · cost function · dynamic programming · pairwise · user interface ...
Bibliographic details on Twitter user tagging method based on burst time series.
We manage the burst levels of users as the term frequency in documents and calculate the hashtag scores for each user by three typical score calculation methods ...
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Example of user engagement time series of burst topic. In this paper, we investigate the problem of mining burst patterns of burst topic in Twitter. To ...
Dec 11, 2015 · We manage the burst levels of users as the term frequency in documents and calculate the hashtag scores for each user by three typical score ...