In this chapter, we present algebraic laws for a language similar to a subset of sequential Java that includes inheritance, recursive classes, ...
This chapter presents algebraic laws for a language similar to a subset of sequential Java that includes inheritance, recursive classes, dynamic binding, ...
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The set of laws deals with object-oriented fea- tures taking into account their specifications. Some laws deal only with features of the specification language.
We present algebraic laws for a language similar to a subset of sequential Java that includes inheritance, recursive classes, dynamic binding, ...
Nov 25, 2008 · I'm refactoring a 500-lines of C++ code in main() for solving a differential equation. I'd like to encapsulate the big ideas of our solver into smaller ...
Missing: Laws | Show results with:Laws
AbstractIn this paper we present how refactoring of object-oriented programs can be accomplished by using formal refinement. Our approach is based on the ...
Jan 1, 2011 · Sampaio, P. Borba. Transformation laws for sequential object-oriented programming. Refinement Techniques in Software Engineering, Lecture Notes ...
Closure conversion in object-oriented style. If the target of the conversion is an object-oriented language in the style of. Java, we can use the following ...
The central idea behind this paper is that the discipline governing the exchange of messages between objects should be specifiable by the programmer in the form ...
Use the Sequence transformation to create unique primary key values, replace missing primary keys, or cycle through a sequential range of numbers. The Sequence ...
Missing: Oriented | Show results with:Oriented