In this paper, we advocate the need for integrating semantic information into a storage system. We propose "Sedar", a deep archival file system. Sedar is one of ...
In this paper, we advocate the need for integrating seman- tic information into a storage system. We propose “Sedar”, a deep archival file system. Sedar is one ...
We advocate the need for integrating semantic information into a file system. We demonstrate the benefits of this in Sedar, a deep archival file system.
We propose “Sedar”, a deep archival file system. Sedar is one of the the first archival file systems that integrates semantic storage and retrieval capabilities ...
In this paper, we advocate the need for integrating semantic information into a storage system. We propose "Sedar", a deep archival file system. Sedar is one of ...
This paper proposes "Sedar", a deep archival file system that integrates semantic storage and retrieval capabilities and introduces several novel features: ...
We propose "Sedar", a deep archival file system. Sedar is one of the the firstarchival file systems that integrates semantic storage and retrieval capabilities.
We advocate the need for integrating semantic information into a file system. We demonstrate the benefits of this in Sedar, a deep archival file system.
Mallik Mahalingam, Chunqiang Tang, Zhichen Xu: Towards a Semantic, Deep Archival File System. FTDCS 2003: 115-121. manage site settings.
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