In this paper, we provide insight into the steps required to perform process mining to EMR data in the challenging domain of sepsis treatment and provide ...
Jan 1, 2017 · In this paper, we provide insight into the steps required to perform process mining to EMR data in the challenging domain of sepsis treatment ...
... In (de Vries et al., 2017) , a case study is presented showing how to apply process mining to electronic-medical-record data when dealing with sepsis. In ( ...
Bibliographic details on Towards Process Mining of EMR Data - Case Study for Sepsis Management.
In this paper, we provide insight into the steps required to perform process mining to EMR data in the challenging domain of sepsis treatment and provide ...
(2017). Towards Process Mining of EMR Data - Case Study for Sepsis Management. In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical ...
The electronic health record can be used to identify patients with sepsis, improve participant study recruitment, and extract data.
This paper presents the results of an extensive systematic literature review on process mining in healthcare in which 263 papers have been reviewed.
Towards process mining of EMR data-case study for sepsis management. GJ de Vries, RAQ Neira, G Geleijnse, P Dixit, BF Mazza. Special Session on Analysis of ...
Abstract. In this work, we propose and apply a methodology for the management and optimization of clinical pathways using process mining.
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