Outline and present building blocks for a comprehensive open source location privacy evaluation framework to enable researchers to reproducibly assess the ...
Toward an Open Source Location Privacy. Evaluation Framework for Vehicular Networks. David Eckhoff∗, Mykola Protsenko† and Reinhard German∗. ∗ Computer ...
Outline and present building blocks for a comprehensive open source location privacy evaluation framework to enable researchers to reproducibly assess the ...
VANETsim [14] is a standalone simulator for security and privacy concepts in VANET. ... ... Also, it does not support the standard VANET communication protocols ...
I am a Principal Scientist and the Director of the MoVES Lab at TUMCREATE, Singapore. My research focuses on future transportation technologies, simulation, the ...
Toward an Open Source Location Privacy Evaluation Framework for Vehicular Networks. In: 80th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference Fall (VTC 2014-Fall).
Location privacy is one of the main challenges in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET), which aim to protect vehicles from being tracked.
German, Towards an Open Source. Location Privacy Evaluation Framework for Vehicular Networks, in: 80th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall),.
This paper investigates the secrecy performance of vehicular networks in terms of their secrecy outage probability (SOP) and average secrecy capacity (ASC) in ...
Simulation-based methodologies based on the Veins, SUMO and OMNET++ frameworks to investigate privacy breaches and evaluate analyzing the privacy risks with ...