Jul 13, 2018 · This framework will enable next-generation surgery, delivering better and safer patient care, thanks to the ability to share surgical knowledge ...
Jul 13, 2018 · The development of common ontologies has recently been identified as one of the key challenges in the emerging field of surgical data science (SDS).
OntoSPM is an ambitious project that aims to outline a core ontology for surgical process models to enable large scale research efforts across groups [17] .
Purpose The development of common ontologies has recently been identified as one of the key challenges in the emerging field of surgical data science (SDS).
It led to the conclusion that a common ontology for surgical process models (SPM) was absolutely needed, and that the existing OntoSPM ontology could provide a ...
Toward a standard ontology of surgical process models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Gibaud B., Forestier G., + 17 authors ...
To represent operating room processes as data, information, and knowledge in a systematic, machine-readable, and reusable form, ontologies could be utilized.
Jun 21, 2022 · OntoSPM, a core ontology for surgical process models: motivations, working assumptions and current status.
The aim of this study was to provide a guide for matching the choice of modelling strategies for determining surgical workflows.
... This work generated a platform that brings together standard ontologies enabling the construction of surgical process models and robotics. [29] presented an ...