Several simple heuristic algorithms are given for the TDTSP and TDVRP without time windows based on the nearest-neighbor heuristic. A mathematical-programming- ...
Oct 22, 2024 · Mixed integer linear programming formulations of the TDVRP and the TDTSP are presented that treat the travel time functions as step functions.
TIME DEPENDENT VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEMS / 197. 6. CONCLUSIONS. THIS PAPER defines, formulates, and develops heuristic algorithms for both the time dependent.
The characteristics and properties of the TDVRP preclude modification of most of the algorithms that have been developed for the vehicle routing problem.
The characteristics and properties of the TDVRP preclude modification of most of the algorithms that have been developed for the vehicle routing problem.
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Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problems: Formulations, Properties and Heuristic Algorithms. Transportation Science, Volume 26, Issue 3. Pages 185 - 200. https ...
In this paper, an attempt has been made to develop a GA based meta-heuristic to solve the time dependent vehicle route problem with time windows (TDVRPTW). This ...
A new mixed-integer nonlinear programming model is presented for the time-dependent vehicle routing problem with time windows and intelligent travel times. The ...
A combined multistart random constructive heuristic and set partitioning based formulation for the vehicle routing problem with time dependent travel times.
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Dec 27, 2016 · ABSTRACT: This research considers the time-dependent vehicle routing problem (TDVRP). The time-dependent VRP does not assume constant speeds of ...