Feb 26, 2011 · We explore the fundamental limits of distributed balls-into-bins algorithms. We present an adaptive symmetric algorithm that achieves a bin load of two in log* ...
Jul 11, 2014 · We present a simple adaptive symmetric algorithm that achieves a bin load of 2 in communication rounds using messages in total.
ABSTRACT. We explore the fundamental limits of distributed balls-into- bins algorithms, i.e., algorithms where balls act in paral- lel, as separate agents.
We explore the fundamental limits of distributed balls-into-bins algorithms, i.e., algorithms where balls act in parallel, as separate agents.
Abstract Given a distributed system of n balls and n bins, how evenly can we distribute the balls to the bins, minimizing communication?
Abstract. We explore the fundamental limits of distributed balls-into-bins algorithms, i.e., algorithms where balls act in parallel, as separate agents.
ABSTRACT. We explore the fundamental limits of distributed balls-into- bins algorithms, i.e., algorithms where balls act in paral- lel, as separate agents.
Jan 13, 2012 · The goal is to achieve a distribution where all nodes have nearly the same number of tokens. For the continuous case where tokens are ...
The goal is to achieve a distribution where all nodes have nearly the same number of tokens. For the continuous case where tokens are arbitrarily divisi- ble, ...
Publication status. published ; Journal / series. Distributed Computing ; Volume. 29 (2) ; Pages / Article No. 127 - 142 ; Publisher. Springer.