1. Trade credit is a permissible delay in payments for purchase of goods and considered as short-term financing for a capital-constrained supply chain.
Downloadable (with restrictions)! We investigate the value of an innovative trade credit with rebate contract (TCRC) model in a stylised supply chain.
We investigate the value of an innovative trade credit with rebate contract (TCRC) model in a stylised supply chain. In this supply chain, the capital-abundant ...
The value of trade credit with rebate contract in a capital-constrained supply chain ; 2019 · Zhan, Jizhou ; Chen, Xiangfeng ; Hu, Qiying · International journal ...
We investigate the value of an innovative trade credit with rebate contract (TCRC) model in a stylised supply chain. In this supply chain, ...
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Missing: rebate | Show results with:rebate
Compared to the traditional bank financing model (Model T), the model N with an appropriate rebate contract will result in a larger order quantity of retailer.
Missing: value | Show results with:value
Compared to the traditional bank financing model (Model T), the model N with an appropriate rebate contract will result in a larger order quantity of retailer.