May 31, 2000 · We present a novel methodology for identifying internal network performance characteristics based on end-to-end multicast measurements.
Jan 29, 2024 · We present a novel methodology for identifying internal network performance characteristics based on end-to-end multicast measurements.
Feb 15, 2000 · We present a novel methodology for identifying in- ternal network performance characteristics based on end-to-end multicast measurements.
Briefly, these techniques exploit the correlation inherent in multicast-based measurements to produce accurate estimates. Second, measurement software required ...
Wc prcscnt a novel methodology for identify- ing intcrnal iichvork performance characteristics baucd on cnd-to-end mullicnst measuretncnts.
We present a novel methodology for identifying internal network performance characteristics based on end-to-end multicast measurements.
run on NIMI and a validated, web-based tool, MINT (Multicast Inference Network Tool) that allows an analyst to analyze and visualize internal network behavior.
Briefly, these techniques exploit the correlation inherent in multicast-based measurements to produce accurate estimates. Second, measurement software required ...
Abstract: We present a novel methodology for identifying internal network performance characteristics based on end-to-end multicast measurements.
... Broadly speaking, fault inference from end-to-end data falls into network tomography, i.e., inferring internal properties through end-to-end measurement. A ...