The extended tanh method with a computerized symbolic computation is used for constructing the travelling wave solutions of coupled nonlinear equations ...
ABSTRACT. The tanh method is a powerful solution method; various extension forms of the tanh method have been developed.
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The tanh method is a powerful solution method; various extension forms of the tanh method have been developed with a computerized symbolic computation and ...
The extended tanh method and its applications for solving nonlinear physical models. from www.researchgate.net
The tanh method is a powerful solution method, various extension forms of the tanh method have been developed with a computerized symbolic computation and ...
Application of the trial equation method for solving some nonlinear evolution equations arising in mathematical physics · Mathematics, Physics · 2011.
It is shown that this method is standard, effective and easily applicable mathematical tool for solving nonlinear partial differential equations arises in the ...
Abdou, M. A. (2007). The extended tanh method and its applications for solving nonlinear physical models. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 190(1), 988-996.
The extended tanh method with a computerized symbolic computation is used for constructing the travelling wave solutions of coupled nonlinear equations ...
Sep 7, 2022 · The central idea of this method is to use the solution of the Riccati equation to replace the tanh function in the tanh function (THF) method.
The extended tanh-method and its applications for solving nonlinear physical models. Appl Math Comput. 2007;190:988–996. doi: 10.1016/j.amc.2007.01.070 ...