We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C ++ library designed to handle mathematical intervals efficiently and in a generic way.
Dec 4, 2008 · We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++ library de- signed to efficiently handle mathematical intervals in a ...
Dec 20, 2008 · We report on the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++ library designed to efficiently handle mathematical intervals in a ...
Abstract. We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++ library designed to handle mathematical intervals efficiently.
the policy-based design allows the user to provide its own custom kernel: for example, a MPFR-based policy can be used to compute elementary functions. The ...
We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++ library designed to handle mathematical intervals efficiently and in a generic way.
The purpose of this library is to extend the usual arithmetic functions to intervals. These intervals will be written [a,b] to represent all the numbers between ...
We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C++ library designed to efficiently handle mathematical intervals in a generic way.
Jun 1, 2020 · Boost has ICL (Interval container Library) as well. It has interval sets/maps, which work with discrete or continuous, bounded or unbounded ...
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We present the design of the Boost interval arithmetic library, a C ++ library designed to handle mathematical intervals efficiently and in a generic way.