Sensible /spl lambda/-theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable /spl lambda/-terms and are closed ...
May 26, 2007 · In this paper we give a positive answer to this ques- tion for the semantics of lambda calculus given in terms of graph models. We conjecture ...
A positive answer is given for the semantics of lambda calculus given in terms of graph models that the least sensible graph theory, where "graph theory" ...
Sensible λ-theories are equational extensions of the un- typed lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable λ- terms and are closed under derivation.
Sensible λ-theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable λ-terms and are closed under derivation.
Sensible -theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable -terms and are closed under derivation.
Nov 9, 2024 · Sensible λ-theories are equational extensions of the untyped lambda calculus that equate all the unsolvable λ-terms and are closed under ...
May 14, 2024 · We will investigate the semantics of λ-calculus whose models are directly indecom- posable as combinatory algebras (the indecomposable semantics) ...
In this paper we investigate the more general question of whether the equational/order theory of a model of the untyped λ-calculus can be recursively enumerable ...
People also ask
Oct 1, 2008 · A related question is whether, given a class of lambda models, there are a minimal λ-theory and a minimal sensible λ-theory represented by it.