Abstract: The research of workflow technology has been an active area for many years. Modeling of workflow is arguably the most important issue.
The Research of a New Workflow Model with Step-Task Layers Based on. XML Documents*. * Communication author. Xing Jianping, Zhao Lin*. School of Information ...
Utopia permits to easily and automatically set up a MAS thanks to a XML MoiseInst Specification file. The framework convert this file into an innovative ...
The Research of a New Workflow Model with Step-Task Layers Based on XML Documents. WI '06: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on ...
A new workflow model (WfM) with two layers (step and task layers) was proposed, which leads to process logic and concrete affairs couple loose, ...
A new workflow model (WfM) with two layers (Step and Task layers) was proposed, which leads to process logic and concrete affairs couple loose, and deals ...
An XML repository gives the best solution to maintain, exchange, and modify the workflow process definition meta data, which is in the form of XML documents.
... The research of a new Workflow model with step-task layers based on XML documents. In: Proceedings - 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web ...
Especially the use of XML as a domain-independent encoding standard for business documents has led to the development of business frameworks such as BizTalk or ...
The model document can be saved in XML format, so the interoperation between different workflow products becomes easy. This system establishes the base for ...