A special case of the grid-graph reachability problem where no edges are directed from right to left is known as the “layered grid graph reachability problem”.
We investigate the s-t-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs, which is hard for L and is contained in NL but is not known to be complete.
We investigate the s-t-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs, which is hard for L and is contained in NL but is not known to be complete.
We investigate the s-t-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs, which is hard for L and is contained in NL but is not known to be complete.
The directed planar reachability problem denoted as PLANARREACH is the following: Given a planar graph G and vertices s and t, determine if there exists a ...
The directed planar reacha- bility problem denoted as PLANARREACH is the following: Given a planar graph G and vertices s and t, determine if there exists a ...
We investigate the s-t-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs, which is hard for L and is contained in NL but is not known to be complete.
As our main result, we show a new upper bound on the directed planar reachability problem by showing that it can be decided in the class unambiguous logarithmic ...
The directed planar reachability problem denoted as PlanarReach is the following: Given a planar graph G and vertices s and t, determine if there exists a ...
Abstract: We show that the st-connectivity problem for directed planar graphs can be decided in unambiguous logarithmic space.