We present an interactive origami light that transforms its shape in the user's hands and creates light patterns depending on the shape. Tessella ...
Feb 22, 2012 · We present an interactive origami light that transforms its shape in the user's hands and creates light patterns depending on the shape.
We present an interactive origami light that transforms its shape in the user's hands and creates light patterns depending on the shape. Tessella ...
An interactive origami light is presented that transforms its shape in the user's hands and creates light patterns depending on the shape.
Tessella is an interactive origami light that transforms its shape in the user's hands and creates light patterns depending on the shape.
Feb 14, 2006 · This makes a nice chain style pattern that's rather pleasing to look at, and really easy to fold. I'm looking to fold some of this out of translucent paper.
These are 3 awesome resources with tessellation patterns, folding instructions, and more! Origami Tessellations: Awe Inspiring Geometric Designs by Eric Gjerde.
Mar 1, 2021 · Origami Tessellation Lamp (design by me). Photo. r/origami - a lamp with a light on it. Upvote 20. Downvote 3 Go to comments
Tessella: interactive origami light. from www.origamitessellations.com
Dec 6, 2005 · Lampshades inspired by origami. Not your usual fold. Designer Rachel Young writes from New Zealand, “the Fold Lampshade is inspired by origami, ...
Origami tessellations are a technique which makes it possible to create complex, repeating patterns on a plane by folding a single sheet of paper.