Techniques of hierarchical specification and verification of hardware with temporal logic and Prolog are presented by example. Both hardware designs in ...
Abstract. Techniques of hierarchical specification and verification of hardware with temporal logic and Prolog are presented by example. Both hardware.
(4) Automatically constructs small modules based on the temporal logic descriptions ... Logic', 6th Computer Hardware Description Languages and their ...
The specification of digital systems in temporal logic, a verification method between specification and gate-level designs, and a method for synthesizing ...
Logic synthesis using Prolog. M. Fujita et al. Temporal logic-based hardware description and its verification with Prolog. F. Maruyama. Hardware verification.
Temporal logic based hardware description and its verification with Prolog. Masahiro Fujita; Hidehiko Tanaka; Tohru Moto-Oka. Short Notes Pages: 195 - 203. URR ...
Verify is a prolog program that attempts to prove the correctness of a digital design. It does so by showing that the behavior inferred from the ...
To describe concurrent processes in Temporal Prolog, The only thing we must ... In temporal logic, the domain of world variables is non- negative integer ...
For example, the verified computing system described in [27], which includes both software and hardware levels, uses temporal logic to specify the asynchronous.
Hardware specification methods in temporal logic, verifica- tion and synthesis methods which are based on the temporal logic decision procedure, and a ...