Apr 29, 2010 · TassDB2 is a comprehensive resource for information regarding subtle AS. Users can easily search for individual genes, as well as by various ...
Apr 29, 2010 · TassDB2 offers a user-friendly interface to search for specific genes or for genes containing tandem splice sites with specific features as well ...
TassDB2 includes data on the conservation of the tandem motifs in five vertebrates (human, mouse, dog, chicken and zebrafish).
Background: Subtle alternative splicing events involving tandem splice sites separated by a short (2-12 nucleotides) distance are frequent and evolutionarily ...
Towards this goal we recently set up TassDB (Tandem Splice Site DataBase, version 1), which stores data about alternative splicing events at tandem splice sites ...
TassDB2 - A comprehensive database of subtle alternative splicing events. ... EuSplice: a unified resource for the analysis of splice signals and alternative ...
Towards this goal we recently set up TassDB (Tandem Splice Site DataBase, version 1), which stores data about alternative splicing events at tandem splice sites ...
Subtle alternative splicing events involving tandem splice sites separated by a short (2-12 nucleotides) distance are frequent and evolutionarily widespread ...
... TassDB2 - A comprehensive database of subtle alternative splicing events BMC Bioinformatics 2010, 11:216. For a comprehensive list of publications on tandem ...
Subtle alternative splicing events involving tandem splice sites separated by a short (2-12 nucleotides) distance are frequent and evolutionarily widespread ...