1 Introduction. 1. 2 Normative References. 1. 3 De nitions, notations, and conventions. 1. 4 Desired Features. 1. 5 Concepts.
TSQL2 is a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard. The TSQL2 committee was formed in July, 1993 after a general invitation sent to the community.
Oct 22, 2024 · PDF | This document speci#es a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard. The language is designated TSQL2 | Find, read and cite ...
TSQL2 language specification. Authors: Richard Thomas Snodgrass. Richard ... TSQL2 language specification. General and reference · Document types · Computing ...
In this paper, we take a brief look at the "temporal query language". TSQL2, which is probably the best known and most influential of those alternative ...
This directory contains the language specification for a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard. This new language is designated TSQL2. The language ...
This document specifies a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard. The language is designated TSQL2. The document is organized as follows. The next ...
TSQL2 is a temporal query language, designed to query and manipulate time-varying data stored in a relational database. It is an upward-compatible extension of ...
This docuinent specifies a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard, the language is designated TSQLZ, and the starting point of the design, ...
The affiliations and e-mail addresses of the TSQL2 Language Design Committee members may be found i n a seg arate section at the end of the document.