As the architecture evolves, or changes state, the entropy must also change. Understanding the effects of organiza- tional influence and the documented record that architectures increase in complexity as they evolve, architecture entropy must increase with each architectural evolution.
Abstract - This is the second paper in a series that discusses and further defines the notion of system architecture entropy. This paper specifically looks ...
This paper specifically looks at the correlation between system architecture entropy and system complexity. The role of complexity, as it relates to entropy, is ...
Further, the considerable complexity of running multi-tier multi-threading software systems and the relation with entropy concepts is discussed and illustrated.
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The purpose of this research is to explore application of the concept of entropy for understanding the vitality of legacy system architectures and to better ...
Nov 5, 2015 · Architecture entropy is a term used to describe the slow design erosion away from the structured, governed and organised towards a more disordered state.
From thermodynamic considerations it is possible to esti- mate the amount of increase in entropy that occurs when a complex system decomposes into its elements.
Therefore, when we want to model a complex system, the first issue has to do with the connectivity properties of its network, the architecture of the wirings ...
Feb 10, 2023 · With greater order and greater readability of the software architecture, the software coding process becomes shorter, much less complicated, and ...
Feb 10, 2023 · Entropy also indicates the complexity of such a diagram. The more diverse the elements, the greater the entropy, and thus also the information ...