We add a synchronous mode of operation to handshake circuits that allows full controllability and observability during test. This technique is demonstrated on ...
Handshake circuits form a special class of asynchronous circuits that has enabled the industrial exploitation of the asynchronous potential such as low ...
A synchronous mode of operation is added to handshake circuits that allows full controllability and observability during test, and gives over 99% stuck-at ...
A test method for asynchronous handshake circuits is presented that is based on synchronous full-scan techniques.
This step is an easy-to-use test method that can achieve test quality equal to conventional synchronous test quality and that offers an auto- mated test flow.
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The main idea of this ASI is to stop/stretch the syn- chronous clock (clkB) if its rising edge arrives nearly at the same time with the request signal (req) ...
Sep 11, 2020 · Frank te Beest, Ad M. G. Peeters, Kees van Berkel, Hans G. Kerkhoff: Synchronous Full-Scan for Asynchronous Handshake Circuits. J. Electron.
Synchronous Full-Scan for Asynchronous Handshake Circuits ; Title of host publication, Proceedings IEEE European Test workshop ; Place of Publication, Corfu, ...
We present the synchronous implementation of hand- shake circuits as an extra feature in the otherwise asyn- chronous design $ow based on Tangram.
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This paper will present test strategies for 2-phase asynchronous-synchronous interfaces and vice versa, and it will be shown how test vectors can be ...