PDF | The successful operation of Networked Control Systems (NCS) requires employing appropriate approaches for dealing with network induced time.
permits to synchronize sampling and actuation operations in networked control systems without requiring global time. This is achieved by forcing the sensor ...
This paper presents a technique that permits to implement these synchronized operations in NCS in the absence of global time, and experimental results ...
2003. Synchronizing sampling and actuation in the absence of global time in networked control systems ... Design of a hands-on course in networked control systems.
Synchronizing sampling and actuation in the absence of global time in Networked Control Systems · P. MartíAntonio CamachoM. VelascoPere MarèsJ. Fuertes.
Synchronizing sampling and actuation in the absence of global time in networked control systems. P Martí, A Camacho, M Velasco, P Marés, JM Fuertes. 2010 IEEE ...
Networked control systems (NCSs) are a kind of spatially distributed systems. The communication between sensors, actuators and controllers is achieved through a ...
Missing: absence | Show results with:absence
When sensors and actuators communicate with a remote controller over a multi-purpose network, improved techniques are needed for state estimation, determination ...
The NTP standard employs servers that supply clients, such as the computers in your network, with current Coordinated Universal Time, or UTC, information.
Missing: sampling actuation
Networked control system (NCS) is a type of distributed control systems where sensors, actuators, and other devices are interconnected by communication networks ...