When a match is made, the high-frequency components of the key frames (KF) are used to super-resolve the non-key frames (NKF). The motion estimation process is ...
In this paper, we propose to use a super resolution method to up-sample the non-key frames using the key frames as reference. We build dictionaries on-the- fly ...
Many scalable video coding systems use frame down- sampling in order to reduce complexity and to enable enhancement layers. Super-resolution (SR) can be ...
Super-resolution and frame interpolation enhance low resolution low-framerate videos. Such techniques are especially important for limited bandwidth ...
Bipredictive video super-resolution using key-frames · Super-Resolution Reconstruction for Mixed Resolution Videos Using Key Frames and Adaptive Detail Warping.
Mukherjee, “Super resolution of video using key frames and motion estimation”, Proc. of International Conference on. Image Processing, 2008. [11] J. M. ...
Super resolution can be used to enhance the up-sampling process, using motion information to improve traditional interpolation. In this paper, we propose to use ...
This paper proposes a new video super-resolution method based on feature-guided variational optical flow. The key-frames are automatically selected and super- ...
This paper proposes a new video super-resolution method based on feature-guided variational optical flow. The key-frames are automatically selected and ...
Video super-resolution (VSR) is the process of generating high-resolution video frames from the given low-resolution video frames.