Then we show the equality of the distributions of the interinput times and interoutput times for any queue in a general Jackson network. Introduction. It has ...
This paper analyzes several queueing systems with feedback. We obtain the stationary distribution of the interinput, interoutput and inter feedback times ...
Our method allows us to obtain the distribution of the flows in a Jackson queueing network in equilibrium. In the first part we study anew the M/M/1 queue with ...
This paper analyzes several queueing systems with feedback. We obtain the stationary distribution of the interinput, interoutput and inter feedback times ...
Oct 22, 2024 · 1. the (total) flows of customers to different servers become independent; · 2. the (total) flow of customers to any server of i-th type, i= 1, ..., ...
The asymptotic analysis of the stationary distribution in the case of a large number of customers is given and shows that a special nonlinear programming ...
Jan 21, 2019 · We establish heavy-traffic limits for the stationary flows in generalized Jackson networks, allowing an arbitrary subset of the queues to be ...
- All customers' flows, in this network, at stationary state, are Poisson processes. It is a consequence of it, in stationary state, that the departure ...
Stationary distributions of the (scaled) queue-lengths process for a generalized Jackson network converge to the stationary distribution of the associated ...
We present a hybrid method for analyzing generalized Jackson networks that employs both decomposition approximation and heavy traffic theory: Stations in the ...