In a static network reliability model, one typically assumes that the failures of the components of the network are independent.
In this paper, we focus on a classical static network reliability problem in which a given set of nodes of the network is selected a priori, a random subset of ...
In a static network reliability model one typically assumes that the failures of the components of the network are independent.
Given X, Φ(X) is easy to evaluate by graph algorithms. (e.g., minimal spanning tree). Challenge: How to sample X effectively. We propose methods based on (a) ...
In a static network reliability model, one typically assumes that the failures of the components of the network are independent.
This article considers a static network reliability model with dependent link failures, based on a Marshall-Olkin copula, which models the dependence via ...
This page is a summary of: Static Network Reliability Estimation under the Marshall-Olkin Copula , ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, January ...
In this talk, we consider a dependence model based on a Mashall-Olkin copula, which captures the idea that some random events can take down certain groups of ...
We study static network reliability models in which the component failures are not independent. To model the dependence and also to develop effiective ...
This work proposes an optimization approach to define the shock's parameters in the MO copula, in order to match marginal failures probabilities and ...