The Stern poset is a graded infinite poset naturally associated with Stern's triangle, which was defined by Stanley, in analogy with Pascal's triangle.
In this paper we obtain a simple recurrence relation satisfied by Ln(q) and affirmatively solve Stanley's conjectures. AMS Classification 2020: 05A15, 26C10, ...
May 31, 2020 · In this paper we obtain a simple recurrence relation satisfied by L_n(q) and affirmatively solve Stanley's conjectures.
The Stern poset S is a graded infinite poset naturally associated with Stern's triangle, which was defined by Stanley, in analogy with Pascal's triangle.
Stanley's conjectures on the Stern poset. Arthur L.B. Yang. Center for Combinatorics, LPMC. Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, P. R. China [email protected].
Jun 1, 2023 · Stanley noted that every interval in S is a distributive lattice. Let P n denote the unique (up to isomorphism) poset for which the set of its ...
The Stern poset S is a graded infinite poset naturally associated with Stern's triangle, which was defined by Stanley, in analogy with Pascal's triangle.
Oct 22, 2024 · Request PDF | On Jun 1, 2023, Arthur L.B. Yang published Stanley's conjectures on the Stern poset | Find, read and cite all the research you ...
[摘要]:. The Stern poset S is a graded infinite poset naturally associated with Stern's triangle, which was defined by Stanley, in analogy with Pascal's ...
The Stern poset S is a graded infinite poset naturally associated with Stern's triangle, which was defined by Stanley, in analogy with Pascal's triangle.