Spectral correlation refers to the statistical property of cyclostationary signals, where distinct subbands with temporally correlated contents exist. It is characterized by the presence of additive sine-wave components in the outputs of quadratic and higher-order nonlinearities.
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What is the spectral correlation method?
What is the power spectrum of correlation?
What is the relationship between auto correlation and spectral density?
What is the cross-correlation of two spectra?
Spectral correlation is a statistical property possessed by nearly all communication signals, and is a consequence of their CS nature.
Sep 28, 2015 · Spectral correlation in CSP means that distinct narrowband spectral components of a signal are correlated-they contain either identical ...
The spectral correlation density (SCD), sometimes also called the cyclic spectral density or spectral correlation function, is a function that describes the ...
In Section 3, basic properties of the limit cyclic spectrum, which is a spectral correlation function, are described. These include input/output spectral.
Oct 22, 2024 · The present paper therefore presents a new approach to spectral analysis and synthesis that consists of first deriving a spectral correlation ...
The power spectrum is the Fourier transform of the correlation function, and reveals information on the correlation structure of the signal.
Jul 1, 2022 · Correlation functions are closely related to spectra; more precisely they are inverse Fourier transforms of the spectral density functions. As ...
In this method, the correlation function is merely considered to be an arbitrary real function in the time domain whose center is shifted from the time origin.
The Appendix contains detailed definitions and properties of correlation functions and spectra for analog as well as discrete-time signals. It is possible to ...
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