Abstract. One of Erdős' favourite conjectures was that any triangle-free graph G on n vertices should contain a set of n / 2 vertices that spans at most n 2 / ...
Apr 19, 2021 · Abstract:One of Erdos's conjectures states that every triangle-free graph on n vertices has an induced subgraph on n/2 vertices with at most ...
Dec 7, 2021 · Theorem. The half-graph conjecture is true for any (triangle-free) graph without induced matchings of size 2. Before going any further ...
Jan 5, 2006 · Let G be a triangle-free graph on n vertices with at least n2/5 edges such that every set of n/2 vertices of G spans at least n2/50 edges. Then ...
We say that G contains a sparse half if there exists a set of ⌊ n / 2 ⌋ vertices in G that spans at most n 2 / 50 edges. Conjecture 1.1 says that there must ...
Abstract. One of Erd˝os's conjectures states that every triangle-free graph on n vertices has an induced subgraph on n/2 vertices with at most n2/50.
For a given triangle-free graph of order n, we say that there is a sparse half if there exists a set of bn/2c vertices that spans at most n2/50 edges. With this ...
Nov 22, 2013 · Abstract page for arXiv paper 1311.5818: Sparse halves in dense triangle-free graphs.
Abstract: One of Erdős's conjectures states that every triangle-free graph on n vertices has an induced subgraph on n/2 vertices with at most n2/50 edges.
One of Erdős's conjectures states that every triangle-free graph on $n$ vertices has an induced subgraph on $n/2$ vertices with at most $n^2/50$ edges.