An algorithm for interpolating a polynomial f from evaluation points whose running time depends on the sparsity t of the polynomial when it is represented ...
Sparse Polynomial Interpolation. With. Arbitrary Orthogonal Polynomial Bases. Erdal Imamoglu n Erich L. Kaltofen Zhengfeng Yang. NC State University. Raleigh, ...
ABSTRACT. An algorithm for interpolating a polynomial f from evaluation points whose running time depends on the sparsity t of the polyno-.
Here we give sparse interpolation algorithms for generalized Chebyshev polynomials, which include the Chebyshev bases of the second, third and fourth kind. Our ...
An algorithm for interpolating a polynomial f from evaluation points whose running time depends on the sparsity t of the polynomial when it is represented ...
Jan 1, 2018 · In this paper we show that many classical formulations of AC, when restricted to polynomial time in natural ways, are equivalent to standard ...
“Sparse Polynomial Interpolation With Arbitrary Orthogonal Polynomial Bases” is a paper by Erdal Imamoglu L Kaltofen Erich Yang Zhengfeng published in 2018.
Recommendations · Sparse Polynomial Interpolation With Arbitrary Orthogonal Polynomial Bases · New algorithm for computing the Hermite interpolation polynomial.
Jul 25, 2021 · Abstract: We present an algorithm for interpolating an unknown univariate polynomial f that has a t sparse representation (t << deg(f)) using ...
Sparse Polynomial Interpolation with Arbitrary Orthogonal Polynomial Bases. ISSAC 2018, City University of New York (CUNY), New York City, NY, USA, July 19, ...