Informally, these are deadlocks that can be predicted by reordering the observed execution while preserving the relative order of conflicting critical sections.
We present the first sound tool for predicting deadlocks in Java. Unlike previous work, we use request events and a novel form of executability constraints that ...
Apr 7, 2023 · We present two algorithms for sound deadlock prediction based on this notion. Our first algorithm SPDOffline detects all sync-preserving ...
We present the first sound tool for predicting deadlocks in Java. Unlike previous work, we use request events and a novel form of executability constraints.
We present the first sound tool for predicting deadlocks in Java. Unlike previous work, we use request events and a novel form of executability constraints.
We call a deadlock-prediction algorithm sound if for every input trace 𝜎, all deadlock reports on 𝜎 are predictable deadlocks of 𝜎 (i.e., no false positives), ...
We propose a partial order DCP. (Deadlock Causal Precedence) and a vector-clock algorithm that can identify the presence of deadlocks in a program using DCP.
In this paper, we present a new deadlock detection algorithm, called A L . It does on-the- y (predictive) deadlock detection with low overhead, and it can be ...
For a concurrent program, a prediction tool maps the history of a single run to a prediction of bugs in an exponential number of other runs.
ABSTRACT. We present a static deadlock analysis for C/Pthreads. The design of our method has been guided by the requirement to analyse real-world code.