Here we introduce 'soft windowing', a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis.
Here we introduce 'soft windowing', a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis. Using ...
Feb 24, 2023 · Results: Here we introduce 'soft windowing', a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls ...
Mar 1, 2020 · RESULTS: Here we introduce 'soft windowing', a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls ...
Jun 13, 2019 · Here we introduce “soft windowing”, a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis.
Results Here we introduce “soft windowing”, a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis.
“soft windowing” is introduced, a methodological approach that selects a window of time that includes the most appropriate controls for analysis that is ...
Leveraging economies of scale and using standardised procedures, high-throughput phenotyping screens addresses these challenges and have been applied in ...
Jun 13, 2019 · We report an increase of 30% in significant p-values, as well as linkage to 106 versus 99 disease models via phenotype overlap with the soft ...
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Reproducibility in the statistical analyses of data from high-throughput phenotyping screens requires a robust and reliable analysis foundation that allows ...