... network effects by distinguish- ing between network externalities and social learning. Within social learning, we also seek to differentiate between ...
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We start by documenting strong network effects: increased usage of the new airtime transfer service by social neighbors predicts a higher adoption probability.
Sep 1, 2018 · Social learning plays a limited role in determining movie sales momentum according to recent research by Gilchrist and Sands (2016), ...
The main difference with the first type of social learning is that more usage by social neighbors provides cumulative information that is valuable for the ...
Mar 7, 2022 · We document a strong positive correlation between own adoption and increased usage of the new airtime transfer platform by social neighbours. We ...
Abstract. Purpose – This paper aims to identify the effects of social learning and network externalities by conditioning on product quality and early sales ...
The main difference with the first type of social learning is that here more usage by social neighbors provides cumulative information that is valuable for the.
Purpose This paper aims to identify the effects of social learning and network externalities by conditioning on product quality and early sales momentum.
Sep 4, 2023 · We analyze the consequences of payoff externalities in social learning. The leading example is innovation adoption under network effects.
We start by documenting strong network effects: increased usage of the new airtime transfer service by social neighbors predicts a higher adoption probability.