SimBNN consists of a set of similarity-aware accelerators, a weight reuse optimization algorithm, and a similarity selection mechanism. SimBNN incorporates two ...
Motivated by this observation, we propose SimBNN, a fast and energy-efficient acceleration framework for BNN inference that leverages similarity properties.
Based on these observations, we propose SimBNN, a BNN acceleration framework that leverages input and kernel simi- larities to significantly reduce the number ...
BNN accelerators can be divided into two categories: streaming and layer accelerators. Streaming accelerators are designed for all or most layers in a ...
SimBNN: A Similarity-Aware Binarized Neural Network Acceleration Framework. Fu, C., Zhu, S., Chen, H., Koushanfar, F., Su, H., & Zhao, J. In 27th IEEE ...
Article "SimBNN: A Similarity-Aware Binarized Neural Network Acceleration Framework" Detailed information of the J-GLOBAL is an information service managed ...
Simbnn: A similarity-aware binarized neural network acceleration framework. C Fu, S Zhu, H Chen, F Koushanfar, H Su, J Zhao. 2019 IEEE 27th Annual ...
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In this paper, a binary network acceleration framework for rapid system prototyping is proposed to promote the deployment of CNNs on embedded devices.
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We propose a BNN accelerator with adaptive parallelism that offers high throughput performance in all layers.