In this paper, we seek to identify the extent of innovation in the cryptocurrency landscape using the open-source repositories associated with each one. Among ...
In this paper, we seek to identify the extent of innovation in the cryptocurrency landscape using the open-source repositories associated with each one.
Interest in cryptocurrencies has skyrocketed since their introduction a decade ago, with hundreds of billions of dollars now invested across a landscape of ...
What makes a currency a scamcoin? One definition (of scamcoin): no meaningful codebase, code is missing or just copied from that of another cryptocurrency.
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Short Paper: An Exploration of Code Diversity in the Cryptocurrency Landscape · List of references · Publications that cite this publication.
The aim of the paper is to provide a synthetic sketch of issues raised by the development of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, these issues are mainly ...
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Reibel, P; Yousaf, H; Meiklejohn, S; (2019) Short Paper: An Exploration of Code Diversity in the Cryptocurrency Landscape. In: Financial Cryptography and ...
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This work estimates the potential profitability of mining and speculating 18 altcoins using real-world blockchain and trade data and calculates the mining ...
Short Paper: An Exploration of Code Diversity in the Cryptocurrency Landscape. Pierre Reibel, Haaroon Yousaf, S. Meiklejohn. 2019, Financial Cryptography.