Abstract. The article offers a framework to define and analyse the notion of invariance with respect to output feedback under non-parametric disturbances.
The article offers a framework to define and analyse the notion of invariance with respect to output feedback under non-parametric disturbances.
The article offers a framework to define and analyse the notion of invariance with respect to output feedback under non-parametric disturbances.
Zvi Artstein and Saša V. Rakovic, Set-invariance under output-feedback: A set-dynamics approach. International Journal of Systems Science 42 (2011), 539-.
The talk outlines a framework, developed in collaboration with Zvi Artstein, for study of set invariance under state and output feedback with the help of set ...
Abstract: Invariance properties and convergence of solutions of set dynamical systems are studied. Using a framework for systems with set-valued states, ...
In this paper we provide an overview of the literature concerning positively invariant sets and their application to the analysis and synthesis of control ...
Sets which are invariant under a given dynamics, or which can be made invariant by applying an appropriate control, are the subject of an extensive ...
Aug 28, 2020 · Design of output feedback controllers applied to the regulation problem for constrained linear discrete-time systems via set-invariance techniques is studied.
The state of a dynamical system is a collection of variables that permits prediction of the future development of a system. In this chapter we will explore the ...