Genetically-engineered finite-state machine sequences are used to aid both the fault activation and fault-propagation phases. These finite-state machine ...
Title: Sequential Circuit Test Generation Using Genetic Techniques ; Author(s): Hsiao, Michael Shaun ; Issue Date: 1997-05 ; Keyword(s). Test generation; Genetic ...
Symbolic and genetic techniques are combined in a new approach to sequential circuit test generation that uses circuit decomposition, rather than the algor.
A new method for state justification is proposed for sequential circuit test generation. The linear list of states dynamically obtained during the derivation of ...
When the number of successive noncontributing vectors gen- erated exceeds the progress limit, the test generator proceeds with test sequence generation. In ...
This paper deals with simulation and genetic algorithm (GA) based test generation for sequential circuits. We proposed a new sequential depth measure called ...
In this work, we describe a genetic algorithm (GA) framework for sequential circuit test generation. The GA evolves candidate test vectors and sequences, using ...
... Application of simple genetic algorithms to sequential circuit test generation," Proc. European Design and Test Conf., 1994, pp. 40-45. Google Scholar. [12].
In collaboration with Professor Daniel Saab, Case Western Reserve University, we pioneered the use of genetic algorithms for sequential circuit test generation.
In this work, we describe a genetic algorithm (GA) framework for sequential circuit test generation. The GA evolves candidate test vectors and sequences, using ...