Several methodologies to classify tweets from Task 1, Sentiment Analysis at global level of TASS workshop 2015, are presented in this work. This task is to ...
In this paper we present experiments for global polarity classification task of Spanish tweets for TASS 2015 challenge. In our methodology, tweets ...
A support vector machine-based approach to different tasks related to sentiment analysis in Twitter for Spanish focusing on parameter optimization of the ...
This article describes our system presented at the workshop for sentiment analysis TASS 2015. Our system approaches the task 1 of the workshop, which consists ...
The main objective is to promote the application of state-of-the-art algorithms and techniques for sentiment analysis applied to short text opinions extracted ...
The main objective is to promote the research and the development of new algorithms, resources and techniques in the field of sentiment analysis in social media ...
This paper describes a support vector machine-based approach to different tasks related to sentiment analysis in Twitter for Spanish.
Faced with this challenge, in the last years the number of the Sentiment Analysis re- searches has increased appreciably, especially those based in Twitter and ...
The main effort consisted of adapting an En- glish sentiment analysis system for Spanish tweets, particularly for Task 1 of TASS 2015. The English system has ...
This article describes our system presented at the workshop for sentiment analysis TASS 2015. Our system approaches the task 1 of the workshop, which consists ...