This paper considers the required number and location of the sensors in a large-scale swarm system so that the observability of the overall system is satisfied.
Jun 29, 2023 · Sensor Selection for High-dimensional Swarm. Systems Based on Observability Analysis. Qingkai Meng and Marios M. Polycarpou. KIOS Research and ...
This paper considers the required number and location of the sensors in a large-scale swarm system so that the observability of the overall system is ...
In this paper, a novel trajectory scheduling method based on coverage rate for multiple mobile sinks (TSCR-M) is presented especially for large-scale WSNs. An ...
Jul 15, 2024 · Sensor Selection for High-dimensional Swarm Systems Based on Observability Analysis. Author(s): Meng, Qingkai; Polycarpou, Marios M ...
Our contributions are as follows: First, we present a randomized algorithm that samples the sensor locations with replacement as per a specified distribution.
Dec 28, 2021 · This work develops a graph-based theory and highly scalable methods that achieve accurate estimation of target variables of network systems.
This study proposes a method of optimal sensor placement for the best localization and reconstruction of external excitations when considering multi-source ...
A graph-based theory of functional observability is developed, which leads to highly scalable algorithms to determine the minimal set of required sensors ...
The fundamentals of observability analysis of nonlinear systems in control-affine form is based on differential geometric techniques Anguelova [2004] ...