Computational effort required for the interactive parallel simulation of a structure under loading usually does not allow for results to be gained rapidly.
Computational effort required for the interactive parallel simulation of a structure under loading usually does not allow for results to be gained rapidly.
Our main goal is the development of an efficient load balancing strategy for the existing structure simulation of the bone stresses with p-FEM organised via ...
Computational effort required for the interactive parallel simulation of a structure under loading usually does not allow for results to be gained rapidly.
Dive into the research topics of 'Schedule optimisation for interactive parallel structure simulations'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Sort by ...
The optimization of the schedule occurs by applying heuristic scheduling rules in the decisions that get made during the execution of the model. For example, ...
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A high-performance interactive computing framework for engineering applications. ... Schedule Optimisation for Interactive Parallel Structure Simulations. PARA ...
Schedule Optimisation for Interactive Parallel Structure Simulations · J. KnezevicR. MundaniE. Rank. Computer Science, Engineering. PARA. 2012. TLDR. The main ...
In this paper, we propose a novel approach, that combines iterational retiming with instructional retiming to satisfy any given timing constraint by achieving ...
For interactive optimization methods to be adopted in practice, computational frameworks are required, which can handle and visualize many objectives ...