Scalable association-based text classification. Authors: Dimitris Meretakis.
In this paper we examine text categorization methods from a perspective that considers the tradeoff between accuracy and scalability to large data sets and ...
Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier has long been considered a core methodology in text classification mainly due to its simplicity and computational efficiency.
The experimental results show that LB, an association-based lazy classifier can achieve a good tradeoff between high classification accuracy and scalability ...
We present two algorithms to increase the computational efficiency of associative classification: one to store rules very efficiently, and the other to ...
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Scalable association-based text classification ; Proceedings of the 2000 ACM CIKM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, McLean, VA, ...
Aug 26, 2011 · I am looking to do classification on my text data. I have 300 classes , 200 training documents per class (so 60000 documents in total ) and this is likely to ...
We present solutions for the scalable classification problem based on standard classification techniques and present an algorithm that relies on the ...
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Nov 6, 2018 · Bibliographic details on Scalable association-based text classification.
Associative classification methods have been recently applied to various categorization tasks due to its simplicity and high accuracy.