We demonstrate how the size of the initial text collection is progressively and drastically reduced from the raw document collection to the final SOM-based text ...
The most critical aspect of SOM-based text archiving is the compression of the initial text dataset into a size that is manageable as far as SOM training, ...
In this paper, we demonstrate how the size of the initial text collection is progressively and drastically reduced from the raw document collection to the final ...
In this paper, we demonstrate how the volume and dimensionality of the initial text collection are progressively and drastically reduced from the raw document ...
This paper describes how the meaningful labels per map unit can be deduced by analyzing the relative weight distribution of the SOM weight vectors and by ...
Bibliographic details on SOM-Based Methodology for Building Large Text Archives.
SOM-based methodology for building large text archives. AP Azcarraga, TN Yap. Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Database Systems for …, 2001. 19 ...
SOM-based methodology for building large text archives. AP Azcarraga, TN Yap. Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Database Systems for …, 2001. 18 ...
This paper presents and evaluates a hybrid system to self-organization of massive document collections based on self-organizing map (SOM). The hybrid system ...
We propose an information organizer for effective clustering and similarity-based retrieval of text and video data. Instead of giving keywords or authoring ...