Selective opening attacks against commitment schemes occur when the commitment scheme is repeated in parallel and an adversary can choose depending on the ...
In particular, assuming collision-resistant hash functions, we build such commitments in 4 rounds. Download to read the full chapter text ...
The following simulator proves security against selective opening attacks for both the computational and statistical binding variants. Consider the k-fold.
Bibliographic details on Round-Optimal Black-Box Statistically Binding Selective-Opening Secure Commitments.
In TCC 2011 the author claimed several results about nearly round-optimal black-box constructions of commitments secure against selective opening attacks.
In [Eurocrypt 2004] Katz and Ostrovsky establish the exact round complexity of secure two-party computation with respect to black-box proofs of security.
Missing: Binding | Show results with:Binding
Selective opening attacks against commitment schemes occur when the commitment scheme is repeated in parallel (or concurrently) and an adversary can choose ...
This phase is statistically binding if any malicious sender cannot successfully open to any message m0 6= m in this phase. We say that a commitment scheme is ...
Round-Optimal Black-Box Statistically Binding Selective-Opening Secure Commitments · David Xiao. Computer Science, Mathematics. AFRICACRYPT. 2012. Assuming t ...
Abstract. Selective opening attacks against commitment schemes occur when the commitment scheme is repeated in parallel (or concurrently) and an adversary ...