Mar 9, 2017 · We offer in this special issue a new approach to robotics and AI by introducing the theories of Martin Buber and dialogical philosophy. Martin ...
Luciano Floridi's philosophy of information and information ethics: Critical reflections and the state of the art · From the ethics of technology towards an ...
Coverage of well-being within artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics academic literature: the case of disabled people.Aspen Lillywhite & Gregor ...
This special issue will draw on the ground breaking work of Martin Buber's dialogical phenomenology of I and Thou (1937) to explore I-You and I-It. We encourage ...
Rethinking the I-You relation through dialogical philosophy in the Ethics of AI and robotics. Kathleen Richardson · 09 March 2017 ; Primacy of I–you connectedness ...
Rethinking the I-You relation through dialogical philosophy in the Ethics of AI and robotics · Kathleen Richardson · AI and Society 34 (1):1-2 (2019) ...
Rethinking the I-You relation through dialogical philosophy in the Ethics of AI and robotics · Author Picture Kathleen Richardson. Pages 1– ; Primacy of I---you ...
Mar 9, 2017 · When I embarked on organizing a special issue for AI and society, I thought it was the perfect place to showcase the philosophical work of ...
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Rethinking the I-You relation through dialogical philosophy in the Ethics of AI and robotics. K Richardson. AI & SOCIETY 34, 1-2, 2019. 10, 2019. The end of sex ...
Rethinking the I-You relation through dialogical philosophy in the Ethics of AI and robotics. Citing Article. March 2017. AI & SOCIETY. Kathleen Richardson.